In SplashLearn, teachers have the ability to manage their class roster, including the option to delete a student when necessary. Please follow the steps to delete a student from your SplashLearn class and ensure accurate class records and data.
Log in to your teacher's account with your registered email address and password.
Click on the "Student roster". This is where you can view the student list in your class.
Locate the student name that you want to delete from the class roster. Next to their name, you will see a "Delete icon", represented by a trash can icon. Click on this icon to initiate the deletion process.
After clicking the Delete icon, a confirmation message will verify your intention to delete the student. Review the details and click on "Okay" to proceed with the deletion.
Points to remember:
- It is important to note that students cannot be manually deleted or removed from Google or Clever-imported classrooms. If your class is connected to Google or Clever, you must add/delete students on Google Classroom/Clever first and then perform a manual sync to reflect the changes in your SplashLearn account.
- Please note that the co-teacher can add students to the manual classroom (not linked with Clever/Google Classroom).
If you face any challenges or need additional support, you can initiate a direct chat with our support team by clicking here. The customer support team will assist you further.
Happy teaching with SplashLearn!
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