- Log in to your parent's account with your registered email address and password.
Click on the "Live Classes" page by selecting it from the top of your dashboard. This will take you to the dedicated section for Live Classes.
We recommend reducing your browser's screen resolution and refreshing the page for optimal access to the Live class icon. We especially recommend using the Chrome browser for the best user experience.
Choose the time slot that suits your child's schedule and availability. Selecting the appropriate time will ensure your child can actively participate in the Live Class.
When the Live Class session starts, approximately 15 minutes beforehand, the "Join Now" button will be activated. Click the "Join Now" button to join the session.
Points to Remember:
- Students will have access to attend 1 Free Live Class at the end of the month. Parents need not subscribe to attend the classes.
- Currently, the 'Live Class' feature is not supported on Android mobile phones, whether accessed through the SplashLearn application or a mobile browser. Users can only access this feature via our website (Google Chrome web browser recommended) on laptops, desktops, iPads, macbooks, and chromebooks.
- The Live Class time is Pacific Standard Time (PST). Adjust the time according to your local time zone to ensure your child joins the Live Class at the scheduled time.
- You'll be notified 15 minutes before each class on your registered email address, and the joining link will be activated 15 minutes before each class. This is a convenient prompt to help you and your child prepare and join the session on time.
- Please note that if a user remains logged out for 14 consecutive days, the user will not receive the reminder emails.
- The class recordings are also shared along with the reports, providing students an opportunity for additional learning and review.
- Please note that there is no feature to remove/disable the Live Classes from the parent dashboard.
- If you face challenges accessing the Live Classes under your account, you can refer to the article: Unable to locate the live class icon on your dashboard?
If you still face any challenges or need further assistance, you can initiate a direct chat with our support team by clicking here.
Embrace the opportunity to join SplashLearn Live Classes and witness the positive impact they can have on your child's learning experience.
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