At SplashLearn, our teacher dashboard has various valuable tools, including access to worksheets and lesson plans for Math (Grades K-5) and Reading (Grades K-2) like nouns, prepositions, verbs, addition, subtraction, cursive letter writing and more, designed to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Here's a detailed overview of these resources:
- Log in to your teacher's account with your registered email address and password.
- Scroll down on the left-hand side and explore worksheets and lesson plans for Math and Reading.
Download Worksheets
Math worksheets:
- Click the "Download Worksheets" button to access and explore the Math and Reading worksheets available for download and printing according to your preferences.
- For Math worksheets, simply click on "Math Worksheet", explore the topics categorized by content, and click on "Download".
- Worksheets are available for grades K-5, and you can select the grade level from the drop-down menu.
Reading Worksheets:
- For Reading worksheets, simply click on "Reading Worksheet", explore the topics categorized by content, and click on "Download".
- Worksheets are available for grades K-2, and you can select the grade level from the drop-down menu.
Lesson Plans
As a teacher, you want a structured outline for your class to guide acquiring new skills from our curriculum. Seamlessly integrate Lesson Plans with projector slides for an immersive and dynamic classroom experience. With a lesson plan, you can capture your students' imagination, encourage participation, and elevate learning to new heights.
Math Lesson Plans:
- Click the "Lesson Plans" button to access and explore the Math lesson plans. Then, you can seamlessly access your students' lessons through the provided topics, streamlining your teaching preparation and delivery.
- You can access the math lesson plans for all grade levels by selecting them from the drop-down.
English/Reading/Language Arts (ELA) Lesson Plans:
- For English lesson plans, simply click "English lesson plans" and explore the topics categorized by content.
- You can access the lesson plans from the drop-down from grades K-2.
Additional Point:
- Select the three vertical dots on the screens to dive into the key features, including autoplay, laser pen switch, slide change, and feedback sharing. These tools empower you to create an interactive and engaging learning environment.
- There are no answer keys available for the worksheets.
- The worksheets are not provided in Spanish language.
If you still face any challenges or need further assistance, you can initiate a direct chat with our support team by clicking here.
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